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Would You Like to Invite Someone to Church? Here Are Some Helpful Tips So You Feel More Comfortable Asking!

Has inviting someone to church been on your heart? As Christians, we are always being put in situations that give us the opportunity to bring others closer to God. Finding the words or right moment to ask someone to church can be nerve-wracking but knowing that you serve a greater purpose can help you overcome any feelings of nervousness! We thought we’d help you picture how these unique situations can play out and how you can respond in the event that they decline.  

Asking a Relative or Someone You’re Close To

asking someone to church

It might seem like a person who you’re more connected with would be easier to approach and invite them to church but it can be the contrary. You may not want to ruin the friendship or relationship and fear that they will begin to avoid you if they decline.

The best way to invite someone whom you’re close to is by sharing your church story (if they don’t already know it). By communicating your own experience they might be able to better understand why it is that your faith is so important. If they have a different set of beliefs, be mindful. Perhaps they were raised differently or haven’t yet experienced the acceptance of a non-denominational church.

You can also make the occasion more than a church service. Try asking, “Would you like to go to church with me and then grab breakfast after so we can spend time together?” Let them know that you would enjoy their company! If they decline, keep the invitation open by letting them know that you go to service every Sunday at 11 A.M. and there is always a seat waiting for them!    

Asking an Acquaintance or Someone You Only See Once in a While

asking someone to church

Perhaps you have a coworker who you sometimes run into in the break room or speak to in passing, and this individual has been on your mind. Inviting them to service can be as simple as asking what their weekend plans are. Once you get a better sense of what they do outside of work, you can then approach it as, “I’m going to a service on Sunday and I was wondering if you’d like to join me? I think you’d like my church!” Responses will vary. They might explain that they already have plans or that they will get back to you. Be respectful and give them the details of the church including the location and time. Let them know the invitation stands!

Many times, people are surprised and feel delighted that you considered asking them in the first place. If they respond angrily or seem offended by your invitation, simply apologize and say that you’re here for them if they need anything. Often times, those individuals may be going through a personal matter or they’re not ready to attend church just yet.   

Don’t Lose Sight of Your Greater Purpose!


The fear of rejection is something we all face. Know that God has placed this vision and this person in your life for a reason. Pray about it. Ask God that He guide you through this conversation. We’re all placed in situations for a purpose and the people we meet and encounter is by no means a coincidence!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” -Proverbs 3:5-6  

At Faith Miracle Sanctuary Christian Church Worship Center, we welcome people from all paths of life. God has brought you here for a reason. If you like more advice on how to ask someone to church, please connect with us today.

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